Monthly Archives: February 2014

Make Up of the Day: Simply Romantic

I’m not much of a “celebrity follower”-but, if there’s one that I really admire it’s Amanda Seyfried. She’s extremely talented and undeniably gorgeous. Her beauty, in my opinion, is effortless. 

So, today’s look was inspired by one of Amanda Seyfried’s looks – specifically this one:


I studied this look for a bit before putting the look together. I love how you can clearly see that it is “romantic” but the creation of it is so simple! Now, of course,  I didn’t use the same exact colors/products -but my goal was to really grasp the romance of it,  and I think I did quite well.  The only modification that I did was a sheer wash of color on the cheeks.



The Creation:

*NARS Multi Protective Primer
*A sheer, sheer layer of Kate Somerville CC Cream in “Fair”
*Tarte Maracuja Concealer in “Fair”
*Laura Mercier Silk Creme Foundation in “Porcelain”
*Light,  light bronzing done with Laura Geller’s Balance n Bronze
*No. 7 cosmetics Loose Powder in “Translucent” to blend in bronzer and set the foundation
*”Clear Radiance” by Bare Minerals on forehead, cheeks, and nose for an all over “soft focus” appearance

*”True” blush/radiance by Bare Minerals on all of the cheek for an extremely sheer wash of color

*A very little amount of Tarte’s Maracuja Concealer in “Fair” to even out the color
*Primed with Shady Lady’s Creasless Cream Shadow in “Devious”, but only on the eyelid
*”Bare Skin” by Bare Minerals pressed in on the eyelid using my finger for a soft appearance, taken a smidge above the crease. This color was used as the waterline shadow as well, smudged out to create the romance.
*Mascara is a mixture of Bare Minerals Flawless Definition to really piece out and define lashes, and Clinique High Impact to thicken and volumize, both in black.  Bottom lashes done using Flawless Definition.
*Brows Shaped and filled in using Sonia Kashuk’s “Taupe” brow pencil

*Lipstick is “Get Ready” by Bare Minerals Moxie collection
*Gloss in “Turkish Delight” by NARS, pressed in with fingers to lighten and soften appearance.

♥♥The Underdog Make-up Artist



Some days are truly easier than others; some days I am filled with joy and optimistic thoughts,  looking forward to whatever the day or week will bring me.

And, some days, my mind cannot stop the painful “what if’s.” Then I start thinking about every possible scenario, leading into thoughts of worry and fear – which then leads into thoughts that are completely unusual to me,  such as the thought of moving away. It pins my heart so bad that I make myself (almost) believe that it would be completely rational to move to San Francisco, simply because I loved it so much there.

It is as if, for a moment, I am not myself, and I have forgotten everything and everyone that is good to me. When I finally snap out of these thoughts,  I can’t help but to feel ashamed in thinking these things because every moment I spend with these thoughts is a moment that I lose faith and trust. Fear is a liar.

A life without faith or trust is a very dark path, in which I will not let myself wander on.

I thought back to a few times last year, and I remember myself having no fear of the future. I lived life day by day; in happiness and peace. What did I do then that I’m not doing now?

This then lead me to use my resources – the little guide that I had received when I had first moved down to Arizona: my Patriarchal Blessing. As I re-read my guide,  I came upon a section that really caught my attention:

There will be times in your life when you are required to walk by faith. It will not overcome you. You will recognize that God is giving you the chance to prove to yourself who you are. When He asks you to step forward, not knowing what awaits, you will step forward in faith. Where you stop there will be light. It will be your light, created by your faith and commitment. .. It will be a growing and exalting experience as you watch your faith increase. .. Your Father will take you, as if by the hand, and bless you as you walk down the path. ..

Everything clicked in me then-it was a moment of realizing that,  really,  I am facing nothing alone. That my fears were dismal; that I was immensely blessed and God really does know what is best for me and continues to better my life.

And, if He is willing to do that for me, I ought to do the same and go with His plan. Though I am struggling in a few aspects of my life,  I do not need to let them overcome me- sometimes,  the gnarliest storms are the best cleanses. As I have said in my previous post -It’s time! It’s time to be at peace and to be happy. Though it is easier said than done when dealing with multiple struggles, it’s possible. We are all the change we want to see,  right?

I felt this even more today at the archery range. It had been two weeks (or maybe even two and a half) since I had been-I was so anxious and excited to go!

The past few times I had gone, I had lost all focus; all my shots were unusually off and I was close to giving up.

This time was different – though a bit nervous of the first shot, I picked up my bow with confidence ready to try again. Load, breathe in, pull back. ..


Breathe out, release. ..

Smack, right on the target- right where I aimed.

My soul kind of went “Oh, there you are. Welcome back!”

And, I knew: I was ready for anything.

Make Up of the Day: Smokey Eyes and Red Lips



The Creation:

*NARS Multi Protective Primer
*Kate Sommerville CC Cream as a thin,  light base to correct and even skin tone in “Fair”
*Tarte Maracuja Creasless Concealer to conceal and repair in “fair”
*Laura Mercier Silk Creme Foundation in “Porcelain”
*No. 7 Loose Powder in “Translucent” to finish and set foundation
*Bronzed with Laura Geller’s Balance n Bronze
*Subtle highlight with Mica Beauty’s shimmer powder in “Tease”
*Light contouring under the cheekbone using Lancome’s contouring powder from the Blush Subtil palette “Nectar Lace”

*MAC “Scene to be Seen” Mineralize Skinfinish Blush on upper cheek
*Lorac’s “Hypnotically Peach” from the Snake Charmer palette on the apple of the cheek, blended upward for a smooth transition between the two blush colors

*Primed with a mixture of MAC Paint Pot in “Chrome Angel” and Shady Lady’s Creasless Cream Shadow in “Devious”
*All of the eyeshadows are by Lorac from the Snake Charmer palette. “Enchanted Ivory” as the base color, “Mystical Gold” in the middle of the lid. “Charming Copper” blended in the crease and “Royal Brown” in the inner&outer corners of the lid to give the entire eye look depth.
*Top winged liner by Sonia Kashuk Gel Liner in “Ebony”
*Bottom liner in “Charming Copper” by Lorac
*Mascara done with a mixture of Bare Minerals Lash Domination and Clinique’s High Impact,  both in “Black”
*Brows shaped and filled in using Sonia Kashuk’s “Taupe” brow pencil
*under brow highlight in “Cheers” by Bare Minerals

*Neutralized using Tarte’s Maracuja Concealer in “Fair”
*Lined and completely filled in with Jordana’s “Sedona” red Easy Liner for Lips
*Brick-red lipstick in “Confident” by Elle Michelle Cosmetics

♥♥The Underdog Make-up Artist

Make up of the day -2.14.14

Allow me to introduce myself!
Well I mean,  I kind of already have previously, but not as a make-up artist.

I call myself the “underdog make-up artist” (really,  that’s my “business” title) and throughout my blog I will be sharing my make -up looks with you and everything I used to create it!

This look was a bright,  romantic, spring look.




Here’s what I used to create this look!

*Primed with NARS Multi-Protect primer
*Used Sarah McNamara Miracle Skin Transformer as an ultra sheer base in “Light”
*Concealed with Maybellines Fit Me concealer in “Fair”
*Foundation by Laura Mercier’s Silk Creme Foundation in “Porcelain”
*Set with No. 7 cosmetics Loose Powder in “Translucent”
*Bronzed with Laura Geller’s Balance ‘n’ Bronze
*Highlighted with MAC loose pigment in “Frozen”

*Bare Escentuals (Bare Minerals) blush in “The Natural High” on upper cheek with a pinch of “Fashionably Late” on top of cheek bone to boost the highlight
*Cargo’s Cheek Stamp in “Hibiscus” on the apple of the cheek, blended upward for a smooth color transition

*Primed with MAC “Chrome Angel” Paint Pot as well as Shady Lady’s “Devious” creaseless cream shadow to neutralize the base
*Bare Minerals “icebreaker” as the all-over eyeshadow
*”Iridescent Iris” high -shine blended with “Fashionably Late” on the eyelid, both by Bare Minerals
*Urban Decay “Exhale” in the crease
*”Swank” in the outer corner, just under the crease, by Bare Minerals
*Bare Minerals “Cheers” for the brow highlight
*Winged liner by Sonia Kashuk gel liner in “Ebony”
*Bottom liner done with a mixture of Makeup Forever’s eyeshadow in “Neon Pink” (#75) and Bare’s “Fashionably Late” to lighten
*Brows by Sonia Kashuk Brow Pencil in Taupe
*Mascara is a mixture of Lash Domination by Bare Minerals and Clinique’s High Impact, both in black.

*Inglot Lip Paint in #57

Enjoy!  ♥

Why this is Awesome

I’m not gonna lie to anyone here,  I have never blogged a day in my life. At first,and was all like “What the heck am I doing? !”

And then, I thought to myself “chill, lady, you’ve been writing all of your (memorable) life.”


Now, to the point.

As you can see, my blog is titled “A Life of Awesome. ” What’s the inspiration behind it, you ask (well, you might’ve asked)?

It actually started with a gift from last summer that my mom sent to me for my 21st birthday. Out of all the gifts I had received,  it was the most simple one: “The Journal of Awesome.”

I remember how excited I was to receive it. I flipped thorough the pages and couldn’t wait to write in the blank spaces. I clearly remember thinking to myself “what a great way to make everyday a positive day! ”

Then,  I never picked it back up.  For months.  I was so infatuated with everything going on right then-new boyfriend,  new car, my amazing trip to San Francisco, new phone,  I was on top of my business at work -it was like nothing could bring me down, as if I was almost invincible!

However, With good comes bad. ..or, what I felt was awful. I won’t go into detail (that would be ridiculous) but let me just say this: it amazes me how wrapped up people get into their “selfish” desires and aim to hurt or try to destroy other people’s happiness. Seriously, what’s with that? ! It was absolute insanity. I just wish I hadn’t fed into it because it resulted into a very “tainted” version of myself. I couldn’t trust or love fully; my very spirit and soul,  exhausted. I then was so caught up in my own worry and “worst case scenarios” that I just forgot about the most simple happiness concepts. I simply was not my entire self anymore.

Though,  during this entire “ugly” process, I fought hard for myself. Truly! Much over a year ago,  I made a promise during my baptism that I would always stay true and focused,  no matter what life threw at me (but that is a different story,  which I will save for later) abd I refused to break that promise.

I have spent much time pondering,  praying,  lacking sleep with stirring thoughts. For a while,  things had gotten a lot better.  Then, I had yet another plot twist in my life story (which,  I will also not get into)- and then it hit me: I HAVE to be happy,  no matter what. Now, i do have an immense amount of hope for my current situation,  but I truly must take it day by day.

No sooner had I realized that I had to be happy, everything else all clicked at once too. I was finally remembering things that truly made me happy, somewhat realizing my purposes in this time, and realizing what I needed to work on.

This is a time for me to get my fire back,  rather than start them. It’s a time for me to look to the future, to feel that invincibility again,  to make new friends, and let go of anything hurtful in the past;  to let go of my “tainted” habits that I had developed,  which briefly explains why both my Facebook and Instagram are gone. To not only get better for myself, but for those special and dear to me. As Imagine Dragons would sing: “it’s time,  isn’t it? ”

That it is!

So, it leads me back to the journal I had received for my birthday.  I picked it back up and thoroughly examined it this time. I can’t get over how cute and brilliant it is! Neil Pasricha, you clever author,  you! And I really couldn’t get over how inspired I was by it.  I even have caught myself (and,  I have been doing this for months and months) telling customers to have an “awesome” day. So abnormal,  I know,  but they leave SMILING! I love that.

Thus leading me to this very blog of…well, awesome!

To end on a very light,  happy note,  let me tell you the awesomeness of today. My day off began with funny pictures sent to me through text – and seriously,  who doesn’t like to laugh? Especially first thing in the morning;  it’s bound to make anyone a morning person.

I also was able to get my hair done by my fabulous hair stylist Amie. Pampering time is always a good time- and makes killer girl time too!

I was also successful in getting the entire downstairs of the town house clean.  Turns out that my pops was so impressed that be decided to reward me for it, and it was completely unexpected!  I was just cleaning for the sake of things being clean – and not so stinky. Uhhhh….

And now I get to end my night with an ice cold Alaskan Amber and “Oz the Great and Powerful”- which I have yet to see,  but I’m totally looking forward to watching.

Cheers to an awesome day! Here’s to the first official post on my blog,  to inspiration, a hopeful and bright future; to love and peace-to God’s will!


a simple hello!

I don’t exactly plan on my first blog post to be all well- written and such, but I simply just wanted to say – hello! ! My first thorough post should be within the next two days.  Here’s what you can expect from this little blondie:

Make-up posts, fashion posts,  archery progress, adventures,  thoughts, big events in my life, awesomeness,  hilarious things -really, we’re all about to have ourselves a good time here. ..on my blog. Suh-weet!! Excited yet? ?

I totes mah goats am!

Can’t wait for the first detailed post!

Xoxo, gossip girl. …

